It's a beautiful thing. Her potentials, her energy, and nature's trust in her to nurture life and care for it. It goes on and the beauty of it never fades.
Then again, being a woman…
It spells responsibilities and higher stakes when it comes to expectations, generally. The many things she should know and be.
Now, she gets apprehensive, she does not want to let them down, at all cost, she wants to get above the stakes and be perfect. She can't stop to catch her breath, constantly hitched on surviving this task at hand. She does not want to let anyone down.
This becomes her life, living for the next duty and call. While at it, she gets broken, physically and mentally, most times not being able to stop and fix herself. It gets worse but she has to continue.
Does she not know?
She did get to know, almost too late… but I do not blame her..
It's those who would not let her hear the last about her duties and responsibilities but said little to her about the importance of her system in making these things happen. Where she must show up and how, with what?.. No one said much to her about that
All she knows is her responsibilities as a woman but the frailty and vulnerability of the working human physical and mental system that enables her to show up as required, no one taught her that. So it's her responsibilities above her health and sanity, it seems. Even when it's broken, it's still her duties first.
Now she's messy because she's broken and it's affecting her appearance and vigor at duties, but she still gets the blame.
Fix yourself!!! they say
…how? She ask, no one taught me to do that…..
Dear Woman,
You should know this…
Without your physical health and mental sanity, bringing your best out for these duties is almost impossible. So even if that's all you live for, you need to learn to prioritize your sanity and well-being, so that you can give your best to it.
As much as you know your inherent ability as a woman to be and do a lot at a go, you should know how to preserve and fix your working system. You don't have to leave your health and sanity in the rust as you go about the tasks life left you with. For without it, you can't get much done.
Be that woman whose health and sanity are a priority.
how, you ask?
Start by telling it to yourself until it gets in your subconscious mind that your health and sanity are what makes being your best at duty, therefore should be a topmost priority. Do it until it displaces what you were taught…
After this, what next?
We'd bring them to you one tip at a time, so it sinks in and you don't get choked up.